lunedì 9 febbraio 2015



1. What were you doing yesterday at 7 a.m.?

2. What were you eating yesterday at 12.30?

3. What was your best friend doing yesterday at 4 p.m.?

4. What were you doing yesterday at 7 p.m.?

5. What were you doing yesterday at 11 p.m.?

17 commenti:

  1. Boroooooooooooooooooooooos :)10 febbraio 2015 alle ore 07:00

    I was going to school
    I was eating pasta
    She was going back home
    I was sending text messages
    I was cooking Lasagna

  2. 1) I went to school
    2) I was eating pasta
    3) You going in Trento
    4) I was study
    5) I watch TV

  3. 1. Yesterday at 7 a.m. I as sleeping
    2. Yesterday at 12.30 I wasn't eating
    3. i don't know
    4. Yesterday at 7 p.m. I was listening to music
    5. Yesterday at 11 p.m. I was sleeping

  4. 1.Yesterday I was sleeping in the bed.
    2.Yesterday at 12,30 I was eating pasta
    3.I don't know
    4.At 7.p.m I having dinner
    5. At 11p.m I was sleeping

  5. I was taking the bus.
    I was eating amatriciana style pasta quills.
    He was at school.
    I was playing with my console.
    I was watching a tv series.

  6. Nicola Paolazzi nato a trento .........10 febbraio 2015 alle ore 07:03

    1) I was going to school
    2) I was eating veal escalope
    3) He was going to home
    4) I was going to football
    5) I was going to home

  7. 1)I was eating.
    2)I eating pizza.
    3)My best friend was going to home.
    4)I was eating.
    5)I was sleeping

  8. 1. I was eating cookies
    2. I was eating pasta with amatriciana sauce
    3. I was playing with snow
    4. I was cooking
    5. I was seeing TV

  9. 1.I was having breakfast.
    2.I was eating pasta.
    3.she was staying at school.
    4.I was having dinner.
    5.I was sleeping.

  10. -Yesterday at 7 a.m. I was having breakfast
    -Yesterday at 12:30 I was eating pasta
    -Yesterday at 4 p.m. my best friend was playing football
    -Yesterday at 7 p.m. i was eating the dinner
    -Yesterday at 11 p.m. i was sleeping

  11. I was going to school 2: I was eating amatriciana style pasta quills. 3:She was going to home 4:I was seeing TV 5:I was sleeping

  12. 1. I was going to the station.
    2.I eating pasta with tomato souce.
    3.He was going to home.
    4.I eating salmon.
    5.I was going to the bett.

  13. Ser Broll "delle marche del nord"10 febbraio 2015 alle ore 07:11

    1.i was have a breakfast
    2.i was eating roasted pork
    3. he was stay at home
    4. i was watching the walking dead a tv series
    5. i was studying math

  14. Correzzione:
    1) I was going to school

  15. 1.I was going to the station.
    2.I was eating pasta with tomato souce.
    3.He was going to home.
    4.I was eating salmon.
    5.I was going to the bett.

  16. Ser Broll "delle marche del nord"10 febbraio 2015 alle ore 07:15

    1.I was having a breakfast
    2.i was eating roasted pork
    3.he was staying at home
    4.i was watching the walking dead a tv series
    5. i was studying math
